Quidditch Field

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Quidditch Field
Quidditch is played up on broomsticks up in the air. There are four goal posts at either ends of a field. That field is called a Quidditch Pitch. Quidditch has three balls. The ball that scores the points is the Quaffle. The Quaffle is 12 inches in diameter and is made of leather bindings. The Quaffle has made some different changes over the years. The Bludger is probably the most dangerous ball of all of them. It flies through the air being hit by players called beaters. The third and most important ball is the Golden Snitch. The Golden Snitch is a tiny ball that has wings and is enchanted. The first Snitch was a tiny bird called the Sighit. If the Seeker catches the Golden Snitch, their team earns 150 points and usually the win.
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