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No New Posts Care of Magical Creatures - 1 Viewing

That can be taken by students third year and above. In the class, students learn about a wide range of magical creatures, from flobberworms to Fire Crabs, and even unicorns and thestrals. Students are taught about feeding, maintaining, breeding, and proper treatment of these various creatures.

Moderator: Kelsey Swift

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No New Posts Courtyard

An open space where the vines grown on the old stone walls adjourned to the castle with the fountain of Helga Hufflepuff in the center of the courtyard.

Moderator: Kelsey Swift

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No New Posts Herbology - 1 Viewing

Herbology is the study of Magical and Mundane plants and fungi. In Herbology, students learn to care for and utilize plants, and learn about their magical properties, and what they are used for. Many plants provide ingrediants for potions and medicine, while others have magical effects of their own right.

Moderator: Kelsey Swift

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No New Posts Greenhouse - 1 Viewing

Building designed for the protection of tender or out-of-season plants against excessive cold or heat. It is heated partly by the sun and partly by artificial means. This controlled environment can be adapted to the needs of particular plants.

Moderator: Kelsey Swift

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No New Posts Quidditch Field

Quidditch is played up on broomsticks up in the air. There are four goal posts at either ends of a field. That field is called a Quidditch Pitch. Quidditch has three balls. The ball that scores the points is the Quaffle. The Quaffle is 12 inches in diameter and is made of leather bindings. The Quaffle has made some different changes over the years. The Bludger is probably the most dangerous ball of all of them. It flies through the air being hit by players called beaters. The third and most important ball is the Golden Snitch. The Golden Snitch is a tiny ball that has wings and is enchanted. The first Snitch was a tiny bird called the Sighit. If the Seeker catches the Golden Snitch, their team earns 150 points and usually the win.

Moderator: Kelsey Swift

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No New Posts Forbidden Forest - 1 Viewing

The Forbidden Forest is a large, dark forest to the east of Hogwarts Castle. It is usually referred to simply as "the Forest" and "Dark Forest." It is strictly forbidden to all students, except during Care of Magical Creatures lessons and, on rare occassions detentions.

Moderator: Kelsey Swift

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No New Posts Black Lake - 1 Viewing

The Hogwarts Lake is a large body of water located to the south of the castle. It is about half a mile in diameter and the Hogwarts plumbing network drains into it. It is home to a giant squid and a colony of Merpeople. The Slytherin common room is beneath the lake, accessed through an entrance in the school dungeons.

Moderator: Kelsey Swift

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The beautiful courtyard where you can go outside and enjoy beautiful weather or you may prefer jump in Black Lake. The Forbidden Forest is strictly forbidden to any students and the housepoints will be deducted if you enter the forest. You can feed plants/feed creatures or go to your Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures by going to the Greenhouse.
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